Documentation of ESPON workshop in Szczecin
In 2019 the workshop on the implementation of the Vision of Future 2020 for the Polish-German area of associations was held in Szczecin at the invitation of the European Observation Network ESPON EUW. The workshop was organized by the Regional Office of Spatial Planning of the Zachodniopomorskie Province, and its purpose was to jointly develop a road map concerning the acceleration of implementing assumptions of the Vision 2030.
The outcome of the meeting and work of a working group of the Land Planning Committee of the Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission for Regional and Cross-border Co-operation is a set of trilingual brochures presenting challenges and instruments supporting actions that aim at enhancing the integration of the Polish-German areas of associations. The joint concept of future 2030 is a document adopted in December 2016 and is based on concepts of the land planning in Poland and Germany interpreted from regional and cross-border perspectives.
While developing the concept the bodies responsible for the land planning in provinces, lands and on the government level of both countries identified specific challenges in the area concerned and agreed upon a joint direction of the development of the spatial planning until 2030.
All language version and more information on the implementation of the Concept can be found on the Polish-German Portal of the Land Planning at : https://www.kooperation-ohne-grenzen.de/pl/