Landscape audit
Pursuant to provisions of the European Landscape Convention ratified by Poland in 2005 the country has to assure the landscape protection and management of the landscape. According to article 5 of the Convention Poland is obliged to, but not limited to, take actions aimed at the legal recognition of the landscape, establish and implement the landscape policy and integrate the landscape into its own policy regarding the urban and spatial planning as well as with other policies that affect the landscape directly or indirectly.
Recommendations of the Convention are contained in article 38 of the act of 27 March 2003 on planning and land development under which local governments have to carry out a landscape audit as a new tool for protecting the landscape in certain regions. The landscape audit is developed in order to identify and evaluate landscapes found in a province. Within the framework of the audit priority landscapes, particularly valuable for the community, are designated with regard to their natural, cultural, historical or esthetic-beauty values and thus the ones that must be protected. The landscape audit will be carried out for the entire province and provisions of the regulation of the Cabinet on the conducting of the landscape audits announced on 28 February 2019 (Journal of Laws, 2019, item 394) concerning the classification and methodology will be followed.
On 29 March 2019 the Board of the West Pomerania passed resolution No. 524 on commencing the development of the landscape audit project for the province and appoint a body responsible for the completion of a task.
On 3 June 2020 the Board of West Pomerania passed a resolution on the financial support for the project called ‘The landscape audit of West Pomerania’ within the framework of action 4.08 ‘Improving a quality of the spatial order’ under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020.